Monday, January 8, 2007


Ancient personalities, their thoughts and language so inaccessible today, come across often as stiff and deadly dull. Until, somebody brings them alive. I’m reading The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant, and am being mesmerized by Plato as I’ve never been before. I don’t agree with him one whit, but he’s no longer the brooding philosopher pontificating in a vacuum , but a living, breathing creature, a rich aristocrat who excelled at sports and on the battlefield, and was left so distraught by his teacher’s execution that it compelled him to shape Utopia, where men like Socrates could be hailed.


An Indian editor said...

You make me want to read the book. Way to go! Short and filling-the perfect snack!

Unknown said...

I can relate to that. i relished that book at one time. I wonder if I would now. Regression?